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Femmes Uniques_sustainability_Merlin Vettik (Fotografiska) & Kerti Vissel (Kolm Sõsarat)_w

Femmes Uniques

SAT, november 12 at 5 p.m. 

in restaurant Kolm Sõsarat

Seats full!


In November, Fotografiska’s dinner series “Femmes Uniques” that highlights talented women in gastronomy will visit our restaurant in Lüllemäe.

During this one special Saturday evening, Nov 12 at 5 p.m. the gastronomic styles of Fotografiska’s chef Merlin Vettik and our chef Kerti Vissel will interfuse in our lovely little restaurant.

Both Merlin and Kerti are the alumni of MAD Acadmy, lead by Magnus Nilsson in Copenhagen. Hence, they share an even bigger common interest in using fresh and local produce in their cookery and making sustainable choices in the kitchen.

This dinner is no exception! These two creative souls will offer a limited number of guests an eight-course sustainable gastronomic experience. During the dinner they will share their thoughts about finding environmentally friendly solutions in their day-to-day work in Tallinn and Lüllemäe.

The hosts of the evening are Fotografiska’s junior sommelier, brilliant Anne Hirson and the heart of the house in Lüllemäe, Triin Vissel.

Fotografiska Tallinn restaurant, lead by acknowledged chef Peeter Pihel has been rewarded with Michelin Green Star for gastronomy and sustainability, and with the 2nd place (master level) in the Estonian restaurant guide White Guide. Restaurant Kolm Sõsarat stands amongst the high level restaurants in White Guide.

The dinner will open the series of autumn events organized by Flavours of Estonia that will culminate with the announcement of the Estonian restaurant guide White Guide 2023.

Booking a seat

The eight-course gastronomic experience costs 109 euros/guest. You may order wines and non-alcoholic drinks paired with the courses on spot.

Please plan four hours for the dinner.

The seats are limited – our cosy, yet elegant restaurant accommodates 16 guests at the dinner.

Please book a seat at least 72 hours upfront via DinnerBooking. Your participation is confirmed after a successful prepayment. Further instructions will be sent by e-mail after your initial reservation.


Restaurant Kolm Sõsarat is located in Lüllemäe, Valga County.
A selection of accommodation services nearby.


MErlin vettik

Fotografiska restorani endine sous chef ja praegune peakokk. Ta on olnud praktikant tipprestoranides Rutz Berliinis ja Grön Helsinkis ning nüüdseks töötanud ligi kolm aastat Fotografiskas Peeter Piheli kõrval. MAD Akadeemia rahvusvahelisel koolitusel osales ta tänavu märtsis.


Merlini suurimaks inspiratsiooniks on jätkusuutliku meelelaadiga kokkamine ja koos teiste andekate kokkadega õppimine, mida meie kohalik tooraine võimaldab. Merlin leiab, et toit ja ilu käivad käsikäes – kõige esimesena märkame maitserännakuil just seda, kuidas toit on taldrikuile seatud. 


kerti vissel

Restorani Kolm Sõsarat peakokk, kelle käekiri on lihtne ja puhaste maitsetega, lubades särada kohalikul toorainel. Kerti on toiduvalmistamise tehnikad omandanud katsetamiste ja pikaaegse kogemuse teel ning olnud praktikant tipprestoranis noma Kopenhaagenis. MAD Akadeemia rahvusvahelisel koolitusel osales ta tänavu septembris.


Lapsepõlvest saati toiduvalmistamist eelkõige loominguks pidanud, on just tänu temale võimalik Karula kuplite vahel osa saada tänapäevase Eesti taluköögi veel avastamata maitsenüanssidest. 

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